New to Canada Program

Legacy Wealth Advisors is proud to have our New to Canada Program, for those who have recently come to call Canada home! This program focuses on ensuring newcomers can navigate their financial landscape effectively. Moving to a new country entails adapting to unfamiliar financial systems, which can be daunting without proper guidance. This specialized program would offer tailored support, starting with foundational knowledge on banking, credit, mortgages, investing, insurance and taxation in Canada. By equipping newcomers with essential financial literacy skills, such as budgeting, debt management and saving strategies, the program aims to foster confidence and independence in managing personal finances.

Moreover, the New To Canada financial planning program would provide culturally sensitive advice that acknowledges the unique challenges and opportunities newcomers face. Beyond basic financial education, it could include insights into investment options, retirement planning, and real estate considerations in Canada. Collaborations with community organizations and financial institutions could further enhance accessibility and relevance, ensuring that every newcomer has the tools to build a stable financial future in their new home. This initiative not only supports financial empowerment but also contributes to the overall integration and success of newcomers in Canadian society.

The program also integrates other professionals into the process, such as lawyers, accountants, real estate agents and mortgage brokers, to ensure that you, as our client, have the full support system around you to bring financial success in this great country.

We also have professionals from different backgrounds, so we can ensure that we find someone who speaks in your language to communicate, if language is a barrier. Having clear communication is at the forefront of being able to attain financial success!