Business Owners: 2017 Year End Tax Tips

Business Owners: 2017 Year End Tax Tips

The end of the year provides a great opportunity for business owners to consider ways to improve their tax position. As a business owner, there’s still time to manage taxes for yourself and your business for 2017 before the end of the year. It is particularly...
Critical Illness Protection

Critical Illness Protection

In this Insurance Planning post, we will go over the first of the ‘Living Benefits’ topics, which is Critical Illness protection (the second being Disability Insurance, which will be in another post). People often think that Insurance Planning is only about Life...
Critical Illness Protection

RESP Scholarship Plans… The UGLY Truth

RESPs (Registered Education Savings Plans) are a tool used by many Canadians as a vehicle to save money for their children’s post-secondary education. The government gives great incentives in the form of grants and tax deferrals, which makes it a very attractive...